Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Track 5: The Internationale

This is the British version of "The Internationale" sung by Alistair Hulett.

Arise, ye workers from your slumber,
Arise, ye prisoners of want.
For reason in revolt now thunders,
and at last ends the age of cant!
Away with all your superstitions,
Servile masses, arise, arise!
We'll change henceforth the old tradition,
And spurn the dust to win the prize!
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

No more deluded by reaction,
On tyrants only we'll make war!
The soldiers too will take strike action,
They'll break ranks and fight no more!
And if those cannibals keep trying,
To sacrifice us to their pride,
They soon shall hear the bullets flying,
We'll shoot the generals on our own side.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

No saviour from on high delivers,
No faith have we in prince or peer.
Our own right hand the chains must shiver,
Chains of hatred, greed and fear.
E'er the thieves will out with their booty,
And to all give a happier lot.
Each at his forge must do their duty,
And we'll strike the iron while it's hot.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

I chose this song for my soundtrack because it is an excellent representation of Russian Communism and Animal Farm.  It is also the song that inspried Animal Farm's "Beasts of England".  I think many of the lines fit very well with the novel.  "On tyrants we'll make war" is clearly fits with events in Russia as well as the expulsion of Mr. Jones.  "And the last fight let us face" also suggests how Communist ideals were supposed to be a cure-all for Russia and Manor Farm.  They may have actually worked, as Communist ideals are not bad things, but the corruption of Stalin and the pigs ruined all chance of the revolution actually being the last fight.  With this song, it is easy to see why "Beasts of England" was outlawed after the revolution.  "The Internationale" is a very rebellious song and the Communists would not have wanted the people singing it.

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